10 09, 2020

Cake and a chat with … Nadine


In this new edition of ‘Vlaai eten met’ (‘Cake and a chat with...’), it's project manager Nadine's turn in the spotlights. A year ago, when she started working for Desk, it felt like coming home. After all, she has a great employer, nice colleagues, and challenging work. This blo [...]

Cake and a chat with … Nadine2020-09-10T06:48:56+00:00
20 07, 2020

A cake and chat with … Ruud


In the ‘Vlaai eten met’ (‘Cake and a chat with...’) section, we get to know Desk’s employees a little better. This time, it’s CEO and owner Ruud Kreuwels’ turn to tell his more about himself. He grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, so it’s not surprising that he started Desk Ser [...]

A cake and chat with … Ruud2020-09-04T09:10:07+00:00
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