Give your sales a boost!

With a cashback campaign, your customers receive a refund of a certain amount once they purchase your product. This is an attractive advantage, since you as a manufacturer make your product even more tempting for customers. You thereby increase affordability and give customers that final push they need to choose your brand.

in cashback every year
top brands
NR. 0
Market leader in the Benelux

More beneficial than price-off

A cashback campaign is one of the most effective forms of promotion to boost your sales. You give customers an attractive advantage, while the retailer’s margin will remain intact. This draws more attention to your product. At the same time, you can collect relevant information on customers and purchases. We know from experience that many consumers may be tempted by cashback, but not everyone actually claims it. So, cashback can be much more beneficial than a price-off.

Desk will help you plan how to implement this. We will gladly share our knowledge, build a powerful campaign site, assess the cashback claims, and ensure customers are paid the right amount promptly. In addition, our help desk can answer any questions.

Benefits of a cashback campaign

Want to boost your sales too?

Or would you like more information about our cashback schemes? Then get in touch with us!

Ons advies: Betrek ons zo vroeg mogelijk in het proces. Wij helpen je om de ideale mix te vinden tussen een optimale user experience en een goede controle op het juiste gebruik van deze actie.

Michel Kempener, Commercieel Manager

Tip van ons: Voeg een link naar een reviewsite toe en vergeet niet de NPS score te meten. Natuurlijk helpen we je daar graag mee!

Anke Lahaije-Meijers, Projectmanager

These companies trust us as their partner

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