Put your product in the spotlight!

Want to really put your product in the spotlight? Or reach a wide audience with a limited budget? Think consider a tantalizing competition campaign.

Did you know that many brands want to offer a free product in exchange for exposure? Please ask us for an attractive prize package at a competitive price. And we’ll get to work right away!

And the winner is…

There are two types of competition campaigns: jury panel or unique code to win a prize. In both cases, it is a good idea to take laws and regulations into account since these differ between countries. Thanks to our extensive experience, we know exactly what you should look out for. In addition, we create a stimulating campaign website and, of course, we take care of sending the prize!

Benefits of a cashback campaign

Want to really put your product in the spotlight?

Or would you like more information about our cashback schemes? Then get in touch with us!

These companies trust us as their partner

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